What Is an Example of an Organizational Strategy?

What is an example of an organizational strategy scaled 1 What Is an Example of an Organizational Strategy?

Every organization exists to find success and serve its stakeholders, and the importance of organizational strategy cannot be overstated. A strong organizational strategy is the cornerstone that supports long-term success, guiding companies through fluctuating markets and evolving consumer demands.

However, selecting an appropriate organizational strategy can be challenging. Executives must navigate a complex variety of factors, including market trends, internal capabilities, and competitive dynamics. The task is further complicated by the rapid pace of technological advancement and globalization.

By breaking down its key components and illustrating them through real-world examples, we will provide a clear, actionable framework that executives can apply to their organizations. The goal is to offer a direct and straightforward approach to organizational strategy, making it accessible and practical for those steering their companies towards future success.

Why Is Organizational Strategy Important?

The concept of organizational strategy is fundamental in the realm of business. It serves as a comprehensive guide, influencing crucial decision-making processes that shape a company’s trajectory. This strategy is not merely about setting objectives; it’s about aligning every facet of the organization with these objectives. It ensures that each decision, regardless of scale, is a step towards the overarching goals, thus playing a pivotal role in driving growth and long-term sustainability.

Strong Org Strat is the Blueprint for Crucial Decisions

An effective organizational strategy acts as a blueprint, crucial for steering the company in the right direction. It provides a framework against which all decisions are measured, ensuring that they align with the company’s long-term goals and vision. This strategic alignment is essential in maintaining focus and direction, particularly in complex and rapidly changing business environments.

Facilitates Agile Decision-Making

In the fast-paced modern business landscape, agility in decision-making is a critical success factor. A well-crafted organizational strategy provides clarity and direction, enabling quick and informed decision-making. It incorporates a thorough understanding of the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT), allowing leaders to swiftly adapt to market shifts, trends, or competitive dynamics. Such agility is indispensable for maintaining a competitive edge.

Ensures Cohesion Across the Organization

One of the key roles of an organizational strategy is to ensure cohesion and unity across various departments and levels within a company. Without a unified strategy, departments may operate in isolation, pursuing individual goals that might not align with the overall objectives of the organization. A cohesive strategy ensures that all parts of the organization are moving in unison towards common goals, promoting effective collaboration, efficient resource allocation, and consistent internal and external communication.

Organizational strategy is the bedrock of any successful enterprise. It provides a clear path for decision-making, promotes agility and adaptability in response to market changes, and ensures cohesion across the organization. As the business world continues to evolve, the ability to develop and implement an effective organizational strategy becomes increasingly vital for long-term success.

What Are Organizational Strategy Examples?

Organizational strategies are crucial for businesses looking to succeed and grow in today’s competitive environment. Three popular examples of such strategies are Market Penetration, Diversification, and Innovation. Each strategy offers a unique approach to achieving business goals and addressing market challenges.

Market Penetration

Market Penetration strategy focuses on increasing the market share of an existing product, or promoting a new product, within an existing marketplace. Strategies within this framework often include aggressive pricing, expanded marketing efforts, and efforts to increase product accessibility. The aim is to attract a larger customer base or encourage existing customers to use more of the product. This approach is often viewed as low-risk and high-reward, especially in well-understood markets, as it builds on existing consumer relationships and product knowledge.

World Class Example: 

Under Armour has successfully employed a market penetration strategy. They have focused on selling athletic footwear, clothing, and accessories, and have surpassed Adidas to become the number-two athletic-wear provider in the U.S. By concentrating on their existing products and markets, Under Armour has managed to increase its market share significantly. They achieved this through strong execution in pricing, promotion, and distribution, especially in the fitness apparel market. Their strategy has involved sponsorship agreements with celebrity athletes and professional teams, and impactful advertising campaigns featuring well-known male and female athletes​​.


Diversification involves branching out into new markets or product lines. This strategy is driven by the intent to reduce risk by not over-relying on a single product or market. Methods of diversification can include introducing new product lines, entering different geographical markets, or acquiring or merging with other companies. The key benefit is the mitigation of the impact of market fluctuations, as the diverse portfolio allows for a buffer against sector-specific downturns.

World Class Example:

Amazon is a prime example of a company that has successfully used a diversification strategy. Initially launched as an early online bookseller in 1995, Amazon rapidly expanded into selling video games, multimedia, consumer electronics, software, homeware, toys, and more. This diversification allowed Amazon to transform from a mere ecommerce website into a tech giant, later launching Amazon Web Services (AWS) for cloud computing and APIs. Further diversifying, Amazon introduced products like the Kindle e-reader and Amazon Echo smart speaker, and entered the digital music industry with Amazon Music. Today, Amazon boasts a vast portfolio including its own production studio, online retail pharmacy,, and more, illustrating its extraordinary trajectory in business diversification.


An innovation-based organizational strategy is centered around creating new products or processes, often through significant research and development. This approach is critical for staying ahead in rapidly changing industries, where technological advancements and evolving customer preferences can quickly render existing products obsolete. The advantages of an innovation strategy include creating new markets, establishing leadership in technology, and differentiating from competitors. This strategy can manifest in various ways, from incremental improvements to existing products to breakthrough innovations that redefine the market.

Each of these strategies, Market Penetration, Diversification, and Innovation, offers a distinct path towards organizational growth and sustainability. They highlight the diverse approaches businesses can adopt to navigate the complexities of the market and achieve long-term success.

World Class Example: 

Walmart, a global retail giant, has been at the forefront of innovation in the retail sector. Their innovation strategy focuses on integrating advanced technology into their operations to enhance customer experience and streamline business processes. Key areas of their strategy include the implementation of e-commerce advancements, the use of big data analytics for customer insights, and the incorporation of AI and robotics in logistics and inventory management. One significant aspect of Walmart’s strategy is their emphasis on omnichannel retailing. They have invested heavily in creating a seamless shopping experience that blends online and in-store shopping. This includes mobile apps for convenient shopping, in-store pickup options for online orders, and self-checkout systems to expedite the purchasing process.

The Importance of Selecting the Appropriate Organizational Strategy

Selecting the right organizational strategy is crucial for a company’s success. It’s more than a choice; it’s a determinant of success or failure. A well-chosen strategy aligns with the company’s vision, plays to its strengths, seizes market opportunities, and tackles challenges. It serves as a comprehensive blueprint, guiding all business operations including resource allocation and decision-making.

Choosing the wrong organizational strategy can have massive consequences, including resource wastage, missed opportunities, and potential business failure. For instance, a company adopting a cost leadership strategy without the necessary scale or efficiency might be outcompeted on price and quality. Similarly, diversification without adequate market research can lead to unprofitable ventures or products.

A successful organizational strategy must be customized; there’s no universal solution. Each business varies in needs, capabilities, and market context. For example, a large corporation may excel with a diversification strategy, while a small business could benefit from a niche-focused market penetration strategy. A tech company might prioritize innovation, whereas a manufacturing firm could focus on cost leadership.

Selecting the right organizational strategy is vital and demands a thorough understanding of the business’s internal and external environments. It involves aligning the company’s strengths with market opportunities and addressing risks and challenges. This strategic fit is key to achieving long-term growth, sustainability, and competitive success.

Leaders are encouraged to carefully evaluate and adopt the most suitable strategy, ensuring it resonates with their long-term vision and goals. In doing so, businesses position themselves for sustained growth and competitiveness, adeptly navigating the ever-evolving business landscape.

If you want to transform your organization, let’s develop a comprehensive organizational strategy and ensure its successful execution. We specialize in crafting bespoke strategies tailored to your unique business needs and installing top-tier leaders to bring these plans to fruition. Our expert partnership will propel your organization towards unparalleled growth and market leadership.

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About Abby Marshaus

7e4f30a7f6f0cd324150454914e1c426?s=90&d=mm&r=g What Is an Example of an Organizational Strategy?Abby Marshaus is known for optimizing operations and driving organizational growth. With an MBA and strategic acumen, Abby excels at crafting and executing cross-functional operational frameworks. Her expertise spans organizational development, talent acquisition from board to senior executive leadership levels, career management, and fostering innovation through connection. Abby is Hogan-certified with a track record of delivering impactful results.

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